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Patrick Donoghue

VP of Market Risk

Posts by Patrick Donoghue

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Market Trends - Charlotte MSA

By | on 13, Apr 2023 |

To offer a more thorough insight into one of our major markets on the platform, we are taking a closer look at Charlotte, NC. This blog post provides an in-depth look at the market.

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Monthly Market Trends April

By | on 03, Apr 2023 |

To provide another useful blog, we are taking a deeper dive in another one of our key markets on our platform, Indianapolis, to provide you with even more comprehensive insight.

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Monthly Market Trends - March

By | on 13, Mar 2023 |

In this Monthly Market Trends series, we'll continue to offer you our interpretation of current trends and provide you with balanced commentary so you can make the best investment decisions today, for[...]

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Monthly Market Trends Supplement: Jacksonville MSA

By | on 27, Feb 2023 |

To provide another useful supplement, in addition to the Atlanta MSA post, regarding our recent "Monthly Market Trends" February Blog, we are taking a closer look at one of our other major key markets[...]

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Monthly Market Trends February Update: Atlanta MSA - 12 Core Counties

By | on 22, Feb 2023 |

To provide a more useful supplement to our recent "Monthly Market Trends" February Blog and following feedback we've received, we are taking a closer look at Atlanta's 12 core counties to provide more[...]

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Monthly Market Trends - February

By | on 06, Feb 2023 |

In this Monthly Market Trends series, we'll continue to offer you our interpretation of current trends and provide you with balanced commentary so you can make the best investment decisions today, for[...]

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Monthly Market Trends - January 2023

By | on 09, Jan 2023 |   Company News and Updates

Welcome to our Monthly Market Trends series. Each month, we will provide you with updates on the relevant real estate and housing market news. We will offer you our interpretation of current trends an[...]

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Monthly Market Trends - December

By | on 13, Dec 2022 |   Company News and Updates

Welcome to our new Monthly Market Trends series. At the beginning of each month, we will aim to highlight elements from the current news cycle that is relevant to you, the Groundfloor investor. We wil[...]

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Macroeconomic Factors Affecting Real Estate Development

By | on 28, Mar 2022 |   Company News and Updates

Since its onset in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant challenges across almost every aspect of our society. It’s been hard to miss the news of supply chain disruptions, labor shortages[...]