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Introducing the Groundfloor App

We are excited to share that our new Groundfloor app is officially out of beta and available for download via the App Store or the Google Play Store! The Groundfloor app combines the most-used features of the website experience with the convenience of a mobile app, enabling you to access your Groundfloor account, manage balances, and invest right from your smartphone.

                                         Download for Apple/iOS        Download on the Google Play Store  

How It Works

The Groundfloor app brings the power of real estate investing into the palm of your hand, enabling you to earn 10% average annualized returns on stable, secure debt investments backed by real assets. With just a few taps, you can choose an investing strategy that works for you, easily add or withdraw funds from your account, and manage your connected bank accounts. And with no maximum balance, no fees to invest, and the ability to generate consistent cash flow, the Groundfloor app offers a safe way to diversify your portfolio and earn great results.

What’s Coming Next

The current version of the Groundfloor app includes some of the most commonly used features of our platform. As we continue building out the app’s functionality, we plan to add more of the features and tools our investors enjoy. Our team is already working to incorporate more details about your account and investment portfolio to give you an even greater degree of insight into and control over your Groundfloor investments. We’re also preparing support for customized alerts and notifications, which will ensure you’re always kept up-to-date about account activity. 

As you explore the app, please let us know what you think and what features you’d like to see next! Feel free to reach out to us with questions or feedback anytime at support@groundfloor.us

                                           Download for Apple/iOS        Download on the Google Play Store  

Chris Garrett

VP of Product