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Introducing Loan100, Our New 100% LTC Product

As we continue to grow and expand our product offerings for both the real estate investors we lend to and the tens of thousands of everyday investors who invest in their projects, we are launching Loan100, a new and highly-competitive financing option available to qualified borrowers. This new loan product is designed to better serve the needs of our most experienced borrowers by providing high leverage financing, giving them more cash in hand to devote to the project itself. In turn, this will provide investors with more investment and diversification options.

What Is Loan100?

Available only to the most experienced borrowers in our network, the Loan100 product provides financing for up to 100% of total project costs, including purchase and renovation (i.e., up to 100% Loan-to-Cost). This allows developers with an extensive and proven track record to borrow funds for their projects with 0% down.

Borrowers seeking financing through the Loan100 program must have at least twice the experience required to obtain the best pricing for our standard loan product. Additionally, borrowers must meet a credit score threshold to be considered. Finally, to further mitigate risk, renovation budgets for proposed projects are capped.

Loan100 Example: 2800 Bayard St

Below is an example of a loan financed through the Loan100 program that we recently closed and funded. A very experienced local developer team was able to obtain favorable terms through the program to complete this Atlanta-based project at 100% LTC and 69.9% Loan-to-ARV at an 11% rate.

2800 Bayard St Loan Detail Page

2800 Bayard St Borrower Financial DataThe Loan Detail Page and Borrower/Entity Financial Information for 2800 Bayard St, a recent Loan100 loan

As can be seen here, the borrowers have no “skin-in-the-game,” which indicates this is a Loan100 loan. The borrowers have extensive rehabbing experience -- they completed 20 projects with a total revenue of $2.7 million last year -- which qualified them for financing via the Loan100 program.  

As we continue to grow and expand our product offerings, we are always looking for ways we can better serve our customers. We hope those of you who join us as borrowers will find value and support through our new Loan100 program. 

Ready to apply for a loan? Contact our experienced Borrower Services team today at (404) 850-9224 or by clicking the button below.

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