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How It Works — Auto Investor Account

Understanding Groundfloor’s Auto Investor Account

We’re excited to introduce the Groundfloor Auto Investor Account, a product that's been ten years in the making! We've taken the best of what we know and learned, packaged it into a new investing experience, and made it available to anyone looking to automate their real estate investing.

Think of it as your easy button for real estate investing. Unlike our companion "Investor Account" where you have to develop your own investing strategy and manually manage each investment opportunity, the Groundfloor Auto Investor Account brings the ease of automation with "one-click" investing. It's designed to make your life easier and your real estate investments hassle-free.


A Peek Into the Code 

Although the actual code to our automation is strictly secured within a remote cave at the base of an active volcano, we believe it’s important to provide an explanation of how your investments work in your favor on our platform.

  • Step 1: Immediate investing

You’ve pulled funds into your Groundfloor account from your first transfer when you linked your bank account, an additional single or recurring transfer, or from your funds that are repaid. Now what? The moment those funds hit your account, they’re immediately deployed into a multitude of available real estate investments. Just be sure to turn on “Auto Invest”. 

  • Step 2: Strategic selection 

From there, our investing algorithm reviews all available real estate investment opportunities at that very moment. It assesses the most optimal “strategy” looking for loans that have high contractual return rates; a blend of short, mid, and longer dates to completion (a quicker path to repayments); and all from Groundfloor borrowers who have been fully vetted from our Asset Management team. 

  • Step 3: See your investments 

Once we’ve selected the right opportunities for you, you’ll be able to see these investments in action in your mobile app. Your “Active Investments” tab gives you a visual overview of what dollars are working. The “Investments” button lets you view which specific investments you’re invested in, when, where, and for how much. 

  • Step 4: Sit back and relax

Now for the easiest step: Relax trusting your investments are working hard toward a goal of steady cash flow and real passive income. As the days and months unfold, you’ll begin receiving notifications that your Auto Investor Account is working, seeing repayments and reinvestments all while watching your Active Investments and Total Value Breakdown charts grow upward.

Your Repayments Breakdown will show you the total number of investments that have been repaid, the capital you have reinvested, the interest you’ve received, and your Annual Realized Return, likely comfortably over 10%. 

Pro Tips

To optimize the earning potential of your Auto Investor Account, it’s crucial to keep the “Recurring Funds Transfer” toggle active. Your investment portfolio’s success hinges on the continuous cycling of your funds, which is a cornerstone of a true “passive income” strategy. 

By allowing both your initial and additional investments to compound and accumulate, you set yourself up for an exceptional experience. Plus, you can access your cash precisely when you need it, ensuring the utmost convenience. 

And that’s not all. Get additional funds in your account through the Groundfloor Referral Program. Simply refer your friends and family members to our system and watch the extra funds come through. 

As an added bonus, every successful referral rewards you with investor credits, which you can easily deploy into your Groundfloor account and further enhance your investment journey. Take advantage of even more opportunities to boost your account and maximize your earning potential with Groundfloor today!


Constantina Kokenes

Content Marketing Manager