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Welcome to Groundfloorville: Sandy Mill's Financial Model - 10 Years of Consistent 10% Returns

Welcome to Groundfloorville, a quaint town tucked away in the cozy corner of your imagination. Groundfloorville is a friendly town  and the Groundflooridians that live here are quick with a smile and full of endless optimism. Not only are the folks here a friendly bunch, but they also boast impressive financial acumen and a flair for real estate investing.

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Groundflooridians are investors who see the town not just as a physical space, but as a thriving hub of opportunity, growth, and prosperity. You see, in Groundfloorville, every house is a home, and every home has a story. It's a town where you can see dreams turn into reality, brick by brick, door by door, home by home.

Join us as we meet some of the fine citizens of Groundfloorville. As you get to know them, you can also better understand their investment strategies, their path to consistent 10% returns, and what their next 10 years look like with the real returns provided by Groundfloor. 

Best of all, you can access our financial model on your own. By adding your own inputs based on initial investment and recurring investment amounts, you’ll  see for yourself what the next 10 years look like with Groundfloor.  

Groundfloorville Citizen Profile #2: 


Age: 46

Gender: Female

Occupation: Manager 

Education: College 

Income: $120,000/yr

Investor Profile:

Sandy’s interest in real estate investing stems from a desire to diversify her investment portfolio and generate additional income streams. Real estate investing offers the potential for passive income through rental properties, as well as the possibility of long-term appreciation in property values.

One of Sandy’s biggest challenges around real estate investing is her limited financial resources. As a working mother of two, she doesn’t have a significant amount of disposable income to invest in real estate. Additionally, her demanding job limits the amount of time she can dedicate to managing her real estate investments.

Sandy fears she needs more knowledge and experience in the real estate industry to earn consistent returns. She has heard mixed opinions on the best way to manage her disposable income, so she’s looking for a secure and simple platform where she can easily diversify her investments while sharpening her investing skills in a safe environment.

Despite these obstacles , Sandy knows that investing in real estate is a smart, if not stable, investment choice. She is attracted to Groundfloor’s 10-year track record and historical return rates of 10%. While she is interested in developing her own strategies based on geographies and loan grades, she knows that investing via the Investment Wizard and capitalizing on automation is the right move for now.  

Sandy decides to invest $10,000 upfront and allocates an additional $100 each month by sacrificing a couple of cups of coffee from the local drive-thru. Excited to have started college funds for her children that will grow as they do, she talks to her kids about the importance of saving money.

The below charts and graphs demonstrate a real-world balance sheet over the course of 10 years. 

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Interested in seeing how your own investment strategy will look after 10 years? Download our worksheet here. Next, simply save your own copy of the workbook, then enter your “Initial Investment” amount in cell B2 and your monthly “Recurring Transfer Amount” in cell B7. The 10-year performance and charts will automatically update, as will the accompanying graphs below. 


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