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Borrower Spotlight: Bernard Harris

We recently caught up with one of our real estate entrepreneur clients, Bernard Harris. He's an Atlanta-based real estate investor who's worked with Groundfloor on several projects to date. We enjoyed chatting with Bernard to learn about his experiences in real estate and share his biggest piece of advice for prospective or beginner flippers. He will also be featured in our "Down to the Studs" email series as December's "Stud of the Month." 


How long have you been in the industry?

I started flipping houses back in 1995 - over 27 years ago.

How many projects have you completed?

I have completed over 100 projects and am currently on my 6th with Groundfloor. Here are a few examples of some of the projects I've completed with the company so far:

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What has been your experience working with Groundfloor?

My experience with Groundfloor has been pretty good. With the recent changes in the market, I know Groundfloor had to make some adjustments, which did cause a few challenges in me receiving funds, but everything worked out. Also, my Business Development Manager, Andy, has been great to work with and has helped me out a lot during the whole process. 

Anything you'd like to add about your latest deal with us?

I have one project that's almost complete - 2818 Scenic Terrace. We are just waiting on the countertops. It was an extensive fix & flip, where we completely gutted and reframed over 90% of the home. It was truly a mess inside and out, but now it's looking great, and we're really excited to get this one done. 

Before RenovationScreen Shot 2022-12-06 at 1.45.13 PM

During Renovation
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Do you have any advice to share?

My advice would be to not get into big projects until you have the experience. Start small and work your way up. Be sure to find good contractors - not all of them can be trusted - and they can make or break you. I learned that the hard way. You need to definitely do your research on contractors and not just choose anyone off the street. I actually ended up becoming my own contractor. I learned the construction process and now have the knowledge to know what's going on, which made a big difference. It makes it a lot harder for someone to take advantage of you when you are more familiar with the various processes. 

Also, be sure to have a good team of people around you. That's one of the key ways to be truly successful in this business!